Yesterday Cali and I chased this guy away from the shade of the lilacs. It's hot today and he didn't want to leave another shady spot because of some pesky human and her even more pesky dog. He's still in this same spot after an hour.
The wild rose went crazy this year after all that spring rain we had.
Snake in the grass. Actually it's in the Vinca.
The little brown bat hiding out under the deck. This is a little bit more in focus than last year's attempt, but still not perfect. It's pretty dark under there.
My mom and I with my grandmother's picture in the background. We had a private memorial at my aunt's house on what would have been my grandmother's 95th birthday.
Hubby and I on the sofa. We look so color coordinated, but it wasn't on purpose.
My mom and cousin, Sherri, with their vino!
My mom, cousin Mary and aunt Anne getting ready to cut the cake. In the background is my uncle, Butch.
The male Western bluebird with food for his babies. I wasn't able to see how many nestlings are in the box. I think they must be close to fledging by now.