Monday, December 29, 2008

no more, please

One foot of snow fell today. I could only shovel this much off the driveway before Dennis told me to give up and forget it. It's heavy wet snow and difficult to lift. We have had 42 inches of snow in the last 2 1/2 weeks. We are sick of it. Dennis wants to move off Nuthatch Hill.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Some say it's pretty, but snow sure is a lot of work.  Dennis' snowplow is too small to push the snow that fell yesterday and the day before so we had to call in the professionals. Unfortunately, he came at night and even though he's been here before, he still managed to slip off our road (which he did 3 years ago as well). On the lower left edge of this picture you can see fir boughs laying in the snow. The driver of the big plow ended up with his rig wedged against one of our trees and the only option was to cut the tree down. His boss doesn't like him to come up and do this job because of the previous incident and when I heard he slipped off the road again, I thought it was a joke. It wasn't a joke for the tree.

Little Cali enjoying the snow.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New puppy on the Hill

He doesn't belong to us. Our neighbor, Steve, brought little Klancy over yesterday afternoon. He's not quite 4 weeks old. Cali wasn't too sure about him. He didn't act like a dog.


With temps below zero everyday this week, Cali has to wear her Muttluks on the snow. It's always good for a laugh for us. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

bye bye fall...

...hello winter.

It's currently 9.9 degrees and falling. Is it too early to wish for spring?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

more cake

I made a lot of homemade ice cream this summer and froze all the egg whites that were left over, so I thought an angel food cake would be a good use of them. This also uses some of my dad's Meyer lemons both in the cake and the glaze. 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Meyer lemon cakes

I got into the box of Meyers today. I decided to make Meyer lemon pound cake. I had some juice left over after making the lemon syrup so I think that might have to be used in a  Meyer lemon martini.

Here the cakes are cooling after having the lemon syrup poured on top. They got a little brown on the edges, but I'm using the cakes for trifle so it's no biggie.

P.S. Still no snow!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A box of CA sunshine

A shipment of Meyer lemons from Dad. This should keep me busy for a while.

Thanks, Dad. I love it!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

...from Nuthatch Hill.

Gobble, gobble.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Logging on the Hill

A big monster came to our Hill and wreaked havoc. It started 3 days ago and it's still busy up there.

This big dozer cut a huge logging road above our house. We can see it working from the office window.

We think this is the delimber. All the branches from the trees are stripped off and sitting in a HUGE slash pile.

Piles of logs on either side of Hubby and Cali. Mostly pines, but there are a few firs in the mix. It smells good. That's about the only positive thing I have to say about this mess. Also, I suppose it mitigates fire danger.

Total devastation. We think this is a helipad. I can hear the helicopter while I'm typing this. So much for peace and quiet on Nuthatch Hill.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big buck

I hope he makes it through next weekend.

Drink, anyone?

Our Hill's namesake and just about the only avian life we see this time of year.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

moonset, sunset

Sometimes it's really pretty here. This was the start and end of yesterday, Nov. 14, 2008.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

while the cat's away...

Hubby has been gone for a week visiting his best bud in Tulsa. Cali has taken over his side of the bed and even his pillow isn't off limits. All this bedding is now in the wash. I'm still allergic to dogs (despite the 2 years of shots and daily antihistamines) and this is allergen overload, so she's being taught to sleep at the foot of the bed or on the floor. Unfortunately, she has a mind of her own.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


These have to be the oddest looking in the mushroom world. They are in the family Phallaceae. Cali found this one on our morning walk. The top of the mushroom has a foul odor to attract flies, beetles, anything that will carry the spores away. I remember learning about these in Botany sitting next to my best friend. We thought they were quite hilarious, but then we thought everything was hilarious. Actually, I still think they are funny.

Friday, November 7, 2008

dreary day

It's nice to be above the valley fog even on a rainy day like this. The entire Clark Fork River Valley is covered with a blanket of fog, but I can see for miles.

Monday, November 3, 2008

work from the garden continues

We froze about 40 pounds of tomatoes for future use. Yesterday we started to make tomato sauce. Next year we will skin them before we freeze them. It's easier than holding a frozen tomato and trying to skin it.

Here they are bubbling away with some chopped onion, garlic and garden peppers.

This is the next day. It's now ready for canning. You can see it has boiled down by one third.
This is all we got out of about 25-30 pounds. There are still a few bags in the freezer for another time.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


The tamaracks are turning a deep golden color before losing all their needles. You never even notice these trees until fall, but then they really put on a show.

Sunrise was so pretty this morning. We've had clear skies for the past several days and highs at our house in the 60's. Believe me, the warm weather is really making us and the bugs happy. We are forever killing flies in the house. Ick! I think we are going to make it through the whole month of October without any snow on the ground. A first for us. This is the start of our 5th winter here. I'm all for keeping the snow away as long as possible.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

spring and fall

'Ziva' paperwhites from John Scheppers arrived last month and I've been planting a few every week for forcing. The first bloom appeared today and it smells divine. It's more like spring in the house than fall.

Of course, I only need to step outside for a hard dose of reality. It's frosty every morning and at or below freezing. That makes for a chilly walk with Cali. I thought this Mahonia looked cool (in more ways than one) with it's bright red leaves and icy crystals.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

last farmer's market

Saturday was the last farmer's market of the season. My friend Katie and I went even though there was a cold, drizzly rain most of the time. I bought a 5 lb. bag of Acey Mac apples and a jug of cider. Dennis has been wanting an apple pie so that's what I made on Sunday. I followed the recipe from Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook and it looks a little like the pic in the book.

Here is a closer shot of the Acey Mac apple. I still have enough for another pie so he's a lucky boy.

Friday, October 17, 2008

fall projects

We decided to paint the inside of our house since we may be here for a while. (I'm not painting, I'm watching and helping with the ladder.) I've always wanted big, bold colors, and what's better than a pumpkin colored kitchen? I think punkies are my favorite squash and I love October because they are finally in the stores.

One wall down and many more to go. All the contents of the china cabinet sat on the kitchen table for 4 days. I was so glad to get everything back where it belonged.

I had to take a picture of the Nasturtium flowers before the frost got to the plants. They are now shriveled little wisps of their former selves. 

Cali, enjoying what little warmth is left to the sun. She's giving me her "don't bother me, Mom" face.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

hunting season

Cali models her safety vest. She hates it, but it keeps her safe from the idiot hunters.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hygrophorus mushrooms coming up under the lilacs. They are very waxy to the touch and turn black upon bruising.

Coprinus mushroom coming up from the compacted road bed. Here you can see why one of the common names for this room is 'Shaggy Mane'.
The other common name being 'Inky Cap'. This is the same mushroom as above, one a day later.

Small, pumpkin colored mushrooms. I don't know the genus here, but they're cute as can be. I heard one of my friends complaining that there was nothing to take a picture of lately and she's resorted to photographing mushrooms. Of course, here on the Hill we are science geeks and actually go mushrooming on purpose so we are pleased as punch that all the recent rain has resulted in rooms sprouting up everywhere.

Monday, October 6, 2008

tomato overload

After waiting all summer, we now have a lot of ripe tomatoes. We decided to can some for use during the winter months.

We ended up with 9 pints of chopped tomatoes.

I ended up with this mess.

Friday, October 3, 2008

big red

The Euonymus shrub in our front yard has turned a brilliant red. I tried to get a picture of the male bluebird perched on the wire surrounding this plant, but to no avail. The second I walked out the screen door, he flew away. You'll just have to imagine how beautiful it looked with his striking blue back and these gorgeous red leaves. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cali's lucky day

I saw the foxes playing on our neighbor's property this morning. I couldn't tell exactly what they were doing, but frolicking came to my mind. On our morning walk Cali found what the little foxes were tossing about, grabbed it, and ran up toward the house. We continued on with the walk and when we got home she was munching away. She finished the whole thing, little hoof and all. Yuk!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

loads of toms

When we went out to check on the garden after being gone for a week, we saw that the tomatoes were finally kissed by the sun. Half of the crop came ripe at once. So, my hubby did this...

fresh sauce for dinner last night and spaghetti and meatballs tonight. Yum!