A few more wildflowers are now in bloom. The sunny face of the Gaillardia. I planted this in my garden in CA and now it's on the hill for free. Also in bloom, the pinky delight called narrow-leaved collomia. A big name for such a little flower. Lastly, white yarrow is popping up everywhere.
Both Cali and I spotted the fox this morning on the rise above the road by the ravine. It had one baby with it, a teenaged fox, but that little guy scooted away too fast for me to get him in the picture. You can see her at the very top of the rise. We had a little staring contest going on until it was too overwhelming for her and she took off into the bushes. She circled around and ran in front of me on the road and then down into the ravine. I'm seeing the fox everyday now. She's so busy hunting to feed her babies. Cali keeps finding little bones on the road.