Monday, June 16, 2008

I guess this is fun

Cali spends hours digging in the gopher tunnels. 

I saw the bear again yesterday morning while on my way to get the newspaper. It was in my neighbor's driveway, rummaging around his garbage barrels. It froze in place when it saw me and my heart started to pound, but then he ran down the hill away from me. Yikes! That was too close.


RMCI said...

Where was your camera??????

Jamie said...

I heard about the need to be careful Deb. Why is it hanging around? Food? I would crap my pants if I can that close to a are very brave alone with all those creatures...beautiful as they may be!

deborah said...

My camera was at home. It was 6:15am. I didn't think I would see anything worth a picture!!