This is one of my favorite summer wildflowers. It's a member of the mint family and has a wonderful fragrance. It's one of the few I will pick and bring in the house to enjoy.
We've had quite a bit of wildlife activity around here lately. Yesterday as we were taking our morning walk on the road, Dennis and I were looking into the ravine trying to spot the fox while Cali was busy with something she found on the road--a little fawn head. Just the head! There was also a little leg. Poor fawn. Obviously food for the coyotes or foxes. It's hard to know which. Then later that evening as we were driving down our road to go into town for dinner, Dennis asked me if any cars were coming from the right. I said no, but then out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something brown and fuzzy--a baby bear! Actually a pretty cute little guy. We didn't see the mom. However, this morning when Dennis went down to get the paper, he saw a huge pile of bear scat in the road. Probably from the mom bear. When we went for our walk later in the morning it was gone. Lots of little fox prints were all around where the scat had been and there were still small remnants of the scat. We think the teenage foxes took that scat somewhere. I had seen them playing on our neighbor's property when we left for our walk. Cali was also interested in the scat which is completely disgusting to me. Not much difference between foxes and dogs I guess. I'm definitely not going out alone at night. I don't know what will be on that road.
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