Monday, June 29, 2009

Meatless Monday menu

We've been trying to go meatless on Mondays for a while now-- lessen our impact on the Earth and all that eco-friendly stuff. The garden is producing a lot of lettuce, more than we can eat, but we try. Lunch will be a salad with fresh-picked lettuces and tons of veggies.

For dinner, a veggie stir-fry with fresh-picked snow peas. Dessert will be a rhubarb crisp. I had to harvest a lot of the rhubarb because it was shading Hubby's corn and he's pretty protective of that corn!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Coral root. A member of the orchid family which is non-photosynthetic. It obtains nutrients from the fungi it parasitizes.

Dog vomit slime mold. This is an early stage.

The slime mold has moved into one mass. People often find these in their lawns.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Evening visitor

We were in the house watching TV and Cali was out on the lawn watching the world go by when she started barking at the top of her lungs. It was definitely a different bark and Hubby ran out to see what all the fuss was about. He then yelled at me to get my camera. Here's what all the fuss was about...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

B words

Beautiful butterfly below bountiful blossoms.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Western tanager

Such a gorgeous bird.

Friday, June 19, 2009


It's green and beautiful this time of year. I like green so much better than white. With all that green grass comes A LOT of pollen. You can just see it loaded on the anthers of this unknown grass species growing on the Hill. Can you say "allergies"?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


A few poppies are in bloom. It's a nice splash of red on the Hill.

Cali was trying to maul it. It's a good thing she was wearing her muzzle which we bought with hopes it would prevent her from eating every little piece of grossness (egg shells, deer poop, sticks) on the Hill. The poppy isn't gross, but you know what I mean.

Monday, June 15, 2009


We don't stop Cali from digging on the Hill in the off chance that it discourages the gophers. This is the first time she's actually dug one out of it's burrow. I was afraid she would eat it, but she sort of lost interest in it once it was out of it's underground lair. I'm actually glad she got because it was only a few feet from the garden.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Animal life in Yellowstone

A raven hanging around the trailhead.

This raven has learned to beg for food in the parking lot. This behavior is so sad because it means people have fed him which is a huge no-no in the Park. He went to every car in the lot and finally gave up and sat on the curb.

Here he is making the rounds in the parking lot.

Baby bison everywhere!!!

This is a grizzly. I only got a butt shot because by the time we parked the truck and ran out for a picture, he was halfway up the mountain.

Wildflowers along Bacon Rind Creek

Not a flower, but a beautiful robin's egg shell (with an ant on it).

Yellow bells (that look orange).

Western spring beauty


Shooting stars

More wildflowers along Bacon Rind Creek

Prairie smoke

Hairy Clematis

Hairy Clematis, close-up

Glacier lily


Hiking in Yellowstone

We hiked a trail several miles north of West Yellowstone. We had it all to ourselves.

Very difficult to see, but this is a mountain lion track.

I love this interesting looking rock with ferns growing on it.
A nice view of Bacon Rind Creek.

Hubby admiring a patch of violets growing along the trail.

We didn't go the whole way. We came to a spot where we would have to ford the creek in order to continue and so we turned around instead.

Friday, June 5, 2009

black-headed grosbeak

This is one of our summer avian friends. He has established a territory on the Hill and sings at the top of his little air sacs everyday. Unfortunately, he starts at 4 a.m., but all's forgiven because it's a beautiful song. We've been trying to get a good view of him all week and then it's like everything comes together and we end up with a picture perfect pose. I even had my camera with me!

He's ready for his close-up.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

garden update

Radish harvest. We had to give some of these away. I don't like hot radishes and some of these are killers. 

The black dog hanging around the onion and potato bed. It's going to be a happy chore to harvest all the potatoes. I wish my friend, Debara, could come up and help like last year. I have at least double the number of plants this year. We are going to have potatoes with every meal come September. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Feeling blue

All the yellow flowers on the Hill have begun to wither and the blues have been patiently waiting in the wings for their show to begin. It was well worth the wait.

Lovely flax.

Penstemon in different shades of lilac blue.
