Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hygrophorus mushrooms coming up under the lilacs. They are very waxy to the touch and turn black upon bruising.

Coprinus mushroom coming up from the compacted road bed. Here you can see why one of the common names for this room is 'Shaggy Mane'.
The other common name being 'Inky Cap'. This is the same mushroom as above, one a day later.

Small, pumpkin colored mushrooms. I don't know the genus here, but they're cute as can be. I heard one of my friends complaining that there was nothing to take a picture of lately and she's resorted to photographing mushrooms. Of course, here on the Hill we are science geeks and actually go mushrooming on purpose so we are pleased as punch that all the recent rain has resulted in rooms sprouting up everywhere.

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